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Mercruiser Alpha 1 Water Pump Rebuild Kit

GLM aftermarket water pump rebuild kit

Last updated on 6/2/2024, 7:08:48 AM

  • Compatible with Generation 1 (Alpha 1) and MR model Mercruiser lower unit outdrives
  • For use with years 1984 - 1990 (serial numbers 6854393 - OD469858)
  • Kit includes upper/lower housing, cup, impeller and all seals required for installation
  • Make sure to use sealant (shown below) when installing gaskets and o rings

12120 Water Pump Lower Unit Mercruiser

12120 Water Pump Lower Unit Mercruiser

P/N 12120 Complete Kit $42.99

Parts included:
P/N 12410 #46-96148T1 Housing
P/N 12322 #46-44292A3 Pump base
P/N 89840 #47-89984T4 Impeller
P/N 12810 #48752 Cup
P/N 11070 #28-56654 Key
P/N 12820 #23-29804T Guide tube
P/N 12510 #32435 Wear plate
P/N 31010 #27-85608-1 Gasket


P/N 12410 Upper water pump housing for models up to Alpha One. Compatible with years 1967 - 1990. The 1991 and newer Generation models use a metal housing. #46-96148T1 $29.95


P/N 12322 OEM 46-44292A3 Pump base $25.95

89840 Impeller 47-89984T4
89840 Impeller 47-89984T4

P/N 89840 Lower unit impeller for Mercruiser models from 1967 - 1990. Compatible with serial numbers 2495186 - OD469858. #47-89984T4 $16.99

12810 Mercruiser Alpha 1 pump cup
12810 Mercruiser Alpha 1 pump cup

P/N 12810 OEM 48752 Cup $6.95

11070 Key 28-56654
11070 Key 28-56654

P/N 11070 OEM 28-56654 Key $6.95

12820 Tube guide 23-29804T
12820 Tube guide 23-29804T

P/N 12820 OEM 23-29804T Guide tube $4.95

12510 Wear plate

P/N 12510 OEM 32435 Wear plate $4.95

31020 Base gasket OEM 27-858524

P/N 31010 Gasket #27-85608-1 $4.15

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