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OMC propeller nut*Thrust washer*Cotter pin*Outdrive Kit

GLM aftermarket nuts, thrust washers and cotter pin kits for 400, 800, Stringer and Cobra outdrives

Last updated on 6/2/2024, 8:04:04 AM

  • GLM catalog with illustrations of aftermarket on-line OMC parts
  • Stringer 800 / 400 Series (1978 to 1986 )
  • OMC Cobra series and OMC King Cobra series from 1992 to 1993
  • Dealer pricing for propeller hardware spacers, nut, kits and cotter pins
  • OMC outdrive tech support (416) 751-7326

22225 Thrust washer cotter pin nut keeper
22225 Thrust washer cotter pin nut keeper
P/N 22225 years 1978 to 1990 with V6 - V8 engines and 1990 with 4 cylinder 3.0 liter GM motor / 434153 $40.95 (Propeller hardware fits a 1-3/16 inch prop shaft 22414 or 395209)

22185 cotter pin nut keeper
22185 cotter pin nut keeper
P/N 22185 as above with out thrust washer and spline washer OEM 398042 $9.99

P/N 22200 as above with out thrust washer 1978 to 1990 with V6 - V8 engines and 1990 with 4 cylinder 3.0 liter GM motor OEM 175266 $18.95 (Propeller hardware fits a 1-3/16 inch prop shaft 22414 or OEM 395209)
22230 thrust washer
22230 thrust washer
P/N 22230 5/8 inch thick thrust washer OEM 127084 for (1-3/16 inch prop shaft)

22190 OMC Spacer
22190 OMC Spacer
P/N 22190 as above 15 spline washer only years 1978 to 1990 with V6 - V8 engines and 1990 with 4 cylinder 3.0 liter GM motor OEM 320570 $13.95 (Propeller hardware fits a 1-3/16 inch prop shaft 22414 or OEM 395209)

22142 cotter pins
22142 cotter pins
P/N 22142 replacement cotter pins (5 unit) for kit 22225 OEM 385056 $4.95

22235 cotter pin nut keeper
22235 cotter pin nut keeper
P/N 22235 years 1978 to 1989 with 4 cylinder and 1990 Ford 4 cylinder 2.3 liter engine OEM 5005034 $36.95
(Propeller hardware fits straight mechanical shift 1-3/16 inch short prop shaft with 22416 or OEM 436888)

22150 Propeller nut
22150 Propeller nut
P/N 22150 Propeller nut 4 cylinder 2.3 - 3.0 liter 1978 - 1989 $7.95 OEM 314503

P/N 22340 Prop nut kit without thrust washer (2.3 - 3.0 Liter 4 cylinder years 1978-1989) OEM 175267 $8.95

22221 Thrust washer
22221 Thrust washer

P/N 22221 thrust washer for use with 1-1/4 inch prop shaft $26.95 OEM 126870

22120 Cotter pin
22120 Cotter pin
P/N 22120 replacement cotter pins ( 5 unit) for kit P/N 22235 / 314502 $5.95
22250 spacer
22250 spacer
P/N 22250 13 Spline washer years 1978 to 1989 with 4 cylinder and 1990 Ford 4 cylinder 2.3 liter engine OEM 315810 $5.95 (Propeller hardware fits straight mechanical shift 1-3/16 inch short prop shaft with 22416 or OEM 436888)