- With out removing the outdrive from your boat, step by step from upper gearcase.
- OMC Cobra years 1986
to 1993
- Outdrive video and pictures with parts breakdown
- Repair time about 30 minutes
Cobra upper gearcase
Cobra upper gear case years 1986 to 1996, can be removed from stern drive on the boat, or in the water if need be.
Changing the impeller, gasket, seals and housing should take about 30 to 60 minutes.
Remove 3 bolts from cover assembly
Remove the three 5/16 x 3/4 inch bolts from the plastic cover assembly with a 3/8 inch socket.
bolts from case
Remove the three 5/16 inch x 2 inch long bolts from the housing.
Remove water pump tube from case
Remove the tube by cutting the tie strip and pulling tube from the housing. You do not need to remove lower end of vent tube
from the upper gear-case.
case and impeller
This is what a good impeller should look like. If you are having cooling problems, check flow from the transom hose just
before the thermostat, to see if there is a steady flow.
This test must be done at the dock not in
the driveway with a flush kit. Note, V6 or V8 engines should fill a one gallon container in about 1 minute with
an idle speed of 550 to 600 RPM.
Note, if exhaust gas bubbles are noticed - There may be a leak at the tube were grommets or no grommet was
- No guide tube was used when unit was put together.
- No Johnson outboard gasket retaining compound
was used on the passage housing, located in the lower gear-case.
- No gasket or possible leak in the gasket, between
lower gear-case base, to bottom of passage housing.
wear plate
If how ever you have a steady stream, check for a leak in the manifold. Leaking air or back pressure may be stopping
flow by over powering the flow as the RPM gets above the 1,000 to 2,000 mark.
To test, plug both ends of water
entry and exit on manifold. Using a bike or car air pump, insert air thru the cork or rubber plug to see if the manifold passage
will hold 15 PSI without leaking.
Remove the stainless steel wear plate
Clean gasket compound from adapter
Clean old gasket material and compound from adaptor surface
Replace if required
Note, boat should to be out of the lake to pressure test the out-drive and check for leaks in the adapter seal area.
To test pressure test stern-drive to 10 to 15 lbs. Spay mixture of 50 percent each of household dish soap and
hot water. If bubbles appear the adapter or seal needs to be changed.
Water pump adapter only if required
Adapter can be changed without removing out-drive from the boat. Three 5/16 holes must be tapped with a 3/8 national
course thread.
Three 5/16 inch allen bolt screws must be used to protect screw area. Use 3/8 inch bolts in new
tapped holes to pull adapter plate from the Cobra outdrive.
12092 GLM aftermarket kit with impeller
Sample of aftermarket parts with housing included. P/N 12092 GLM Marine inc. $49.99