- All gaskets, oils seals and o-rings are included in our outboard gearcase seal kits.
- Hp. for lower unit applications
listed beside each gearcase seal kit - also compatible with Mercury Mariner outboards.
- For all other parts, see our
Mariner seals and o rings in lower unit help pages.
87574 Kit for Mercury Mariner gearcase seal kit
P/N 87574 OEM / 26-77066A $42.99
4 hp. one cylinder years 1982 -1986 USA. 5595532-OA809600 AUS.8068065 up BEL.9258281-9477829 CAN.7143688
up 4.5 hp. one cylinder years 1975-1979 USA. 4107220 & up AUS.8026540 up BEL.9072179 up CAN.7045758
up 7.5 hp. (75) year 1978 USA. 4851693 up AUS.8051350 up BEL.9181726 up CAN.7111898 up 9.8
hp. (110) years 1979-1985 USA. 4839254 up AUS.8050625 up BEL.9165303 up CAN.7111348 up
87576 9.9 hp outboard gearcase seal kit 26-41365A3
/ 26-41365A3 Gearcase seal kit is for use with various 6-15 hp. Kit for Mercury Mariner outboards years 1986 to 2006.
6 hp. years 1986-up USA. OA197112 up BEL. 9461526 up 8 hp. years 1986-up USA. OA197112 up BEL. 9461526 up Bodensee 4 stroke 1995-1998 USA. 0H00058-0H017349 USA. 0G760300 and up 9.9 hp. years
1986-up USA. 0A197112 up BEL. 9461526 up 9.9 hp. 4 stroke year 1999 USA. 0H00058-0H017349 9.9 hp.
4 stroke years 1990-up USA. 0G760300 up 10 hp. XR10/Sea Pro10 years 1990-up USA. 0D038000 up BEL. 9596000
up 10 hp. Magnum / Marathon years 1990-up USA. 0D038000 up BEL. 9596000 up 15 hp. 15 Sea Pro/Marathon
years 1988-up USA. 0B292414 up BEL. 9927000 up
P/N 87810 Lower unit seal kit #26-820645A1 $19.99
Gearcase seal kit for:18 hp. USA. 5837437- 6443972 AUS .8071973 up BEL. 9308306 - 94151 CAN. 7173723
-72095 25 hp. USA. 5705532- 6443972 AUS. 8073158 up BEL. 9315316- 9415100 CAN. 7166928-7209532
P/N 87808 Gearcase seal kit for Mercury Mariner #26-85090A2 $69.99
Gearcase seal kit compatible with Mercury mariner outboard models: 15 hp. XD Sea Pro/Marathon years 1997-1998 BEL. 9927000 up 15 hp. Super 15 USA. OB238464 up 18 hp. (18XD) years 1984-1985 USA. 6443973 up BEL.
9378151 up CAN. 7209533 up 20 hp. (20, 20XD) years 1987-1987 USA. 6443973 up BEL. 9415101 up CAN.
7209533 up 25 hp. (25, 25XD) year 1983 and 1/2 of 1984 USA. 6416713 up BEL. 9378116 up CAN. 7207858 up
25 hp. Lightning 3 cylinder year 1997 USA. OE268781 up
87575 lower unit
P/N 87575 Gearcase seal kit OEM 26-85090A1 $81.99
18 hp. years 1980-1983 USA. 5837437- 6443972 AUS .8071973 up BEL. 9308306 - 9415100 CAN. 7173723 -7209532 25
hp. years 1980-1983 USA. 5705532- 6443972 AUS. 8073158 up BEL. 9315316- 9415100 CAN. 7166928-7209532
P/N 87514 Gearcase seal kit for Mercury Mariner #82357A2 $61.99
25 hp. 4 Stroke year 1998 USA. OG590000 up 30 hp. 2 cylinder 644cc years 1994-1998 USA. 053314 up 40
hp. 2 cylinder 644cc years 1994-1998 USA. OG053314 up 40 hp. 3 cylinder years 1997-1998 USA. OG531301 up BEL. 9973100 up 40 hp. 4 Stroke Non Big Foot year 1998 USA. OG231123 up 45 hp. Bodensee 4 Stroke Non Big
Foot years 1996-1998 USA. OG231123 up 50 hp. 3 cylinder years 1991-1995 USA. OG590000 up BEL. 9973100
up 50 hp. 4 Stroke Non Big Foot years 1995-1998 USA. OG231123 up
P/N 87530 Gearcase seal kit 26-79831A1 $68.99
35 hp. 2 cylinder USA. 6445653 up BEL. 9384476 up CAN. 7209608 up 40 hp. (40, 402) 2 cylinder USA.
4860103-OG053313 AUS. 8052125 up BEL. 9184451 up CAN. 7112423 up 40 hp. 4 cylinder USA OC159200
up BEL. 9570790 up USA. 5531630 up AUS. 8063985 up BEL. 9248006 up CAN. 7143688 up 50 hp. 500
4 cylinder USA. 4357640 up CAN. 7068998 up AUS. 8030090 up BEL. 9107214 up 50 hp. 3 cylinder USA 6428681-OD000749 BEL. 9385911-9683054 CAN. 7208333 up 60 hp. 3 cylinder USA. 6428681-OD000749 BEL. 9385911-9683054 CAN. 7208333 up 70 hp. 3 cylinder USA. 4571652-OA996141 AUS. 8042350 up BEL.
9135825-9385910 CAN. 7087823-7208332
P/N 87590 Gearcase seal kit 26-43035A4 $59.99
50 hp. 4 Stroke (Big Foot) USA. OG231123 up 60 hp. 3 cylinder Big Foot USA. OD000750 up BEL. 9683055
up 70 hp. 3 cylinder USA. OA996142 up BEL. 9483121 up 75 hp. 3 cylinder USA. OC222000 up BEL.
9589039 up 80 hp. 3 cylinder USA. OA996142 up BEL. 9483121 up 90 hp. 3 cylinder USA. OA996142 up BEL. 9483121 up 100 hp. 4 cylinder USA. OB209468 up BEL. 9523034 up 115 hp. 4 cylinder USA. OC100000
up BEL. 9559771 up 125 hp. 4 cylinder USA. OD283222 up BEL. 9793577 up
P/N 87520 Lower unit seal kit 26-55682A1 $86.99
Gearcase seal kit for: 75 hp. 4 cylinder USA. 6432901 up BEL. 9393856 up CAN. 7208573 up 80 hp.
800, 4 cylinder USA. 4831999 - 6432900 AUS. 8050200 up BEL. 9177626 - 9393855 CAN. 71109 - 7208572 90
hp. 900, 6 cylinder USA. 4845301 up CAN. 7111698 up AUS. 8060545 up 115 hp. 1150, 6 cylinder USA.
4855153 up AUS. 8051950 up CAN. 711248 up 140 hp. 1400 6 cylinder USA. 4865678 up AUS. 8052650 up CAN. 7112773 up V-150 hp. 1500 USA. 4868998-OA904645 V-175 hp. 1750 USA. 4301235 - 6618750 AUS.
8058870 up V-200 hp. 2000 USA. 4839034 - 6625220 AUS. 8061595 up V-225 hp. USA. 5628028 up
P/N 87540 Gearcase seal kit 26-89238A2 $57.99
V-135 hp. USA. OA904646-OC239552 V-135 hp. USA. OC239553 up V-135 hp. DFI USA. OG590000 up V-150
hp. (carb) USA. OA904646 up V-150 hp. XR4/Magnum ll USA. OB242885-OC239552 V-150 hp. XR4 USA. OC239553-OD081999 V-150
hp. XR6/Magnum lll USA. OD082000 up V-150 hp. EFI USA. OD082000 up V-150 hp. DFI USA. OG590000
up V-175 hp. carb EFI USA. 6618751 up V-200 hp. carb EFI USA. 6625221-6203990 V-220 hp. USA.
OB117316 up
P/N 87513 Lower unit seal kit OEM 26-816575A5 $39.99
Gearcase seal kit compatible with: V-200 hp. DFI 3.0 liter USA. OG386496 up V-225 hp. 3.0 liter with C-2
Casting USA. OD280813 up V-225 hp. 3.0 liter Sea Pro Marathon USA. OG245605 up V-225 hp. EFI 3.0 liter USA. OG129222 up V-225 hp. DFI 3.0 liter USA. OG590000 up V-250 hp. EFI 3.0 liter USA. OG129222 up
P/N 87512 Gearcase seal kit 26-816575A4 $45.99
V225 hp. 3.0 liter with C-3 Casting USA. OD280813 up V-225 hp. 3.0 liter Sea Pro Marathon USA. OG245605 up
87809 Merc. Chrysler Force
P/N 87809 50-55-60 hp. gearcase seal kit OEM 26-814669A2 $51.99
50 hp. 3 cylinder 1991 up 1995 USA 0D000750-0G589999 BEL. 9683055-9973099 55 hp. 3 cylinder 1996 USA
0D000750 and up BEL, 9741042 and up 60 hp. 3 cylinder standard, non big-foot 1991 up 1995 USA 0D000750 and
up BEL. 9683055 and up

P/N 87573 20 hp.
P/N 87573 Gearcase seal kit OEM number 26-66303A1 $89.99
20 hp. years 1978 -1981 USA. 4709593-6443972 AUS.8068065 and up BEL.9157230 to 941510 CAN.708523
to 7209532