- 2 & 3 Cylinder loopcharged gearcase parts identification drawing 1 to 20
- 2 Cylinder large gearcase
years 1975 to 2006 with 40-60 horsepower loopcharged power heads
- 3 Cylinder large gearcase 1975 to 2001 with 60-75
hp loopcharged powerhead
- Physical characteristics are 17- 7/16 inches tall and six holes above the cavitation plate.
Outside rear hub measures 4 -1/16 inches intake water intake screens ( 3 holes ) with no pilot
12246 Water pump kit
Item A P/N 12246 3 cylinder water pump kit OEM 432955 $63.99 60 hp. 1989
to 2001 60 hp. 4 stroke 1998 and up 65 hp. 1979 to 2001 70 hp. 1979 to 1994 70 hp. 4 stroke 1998 and up 75 hp. 1979 to 1988
12240 Water pump kit
Item B P/N 12240 Johnson water pump kit 40 to 60 hp. years 1979 to 2005. 65, 70 and 75 hp. years 1979 to 1985. OEM 438602 $65.95
12244 Johnson outboard water pump kit
Item C P/N 12244 Water pump kit 70 and 75 hp. 3 cylinder 1974 to 1978 OEM 438579 $67.99
12400 Water pump housing
Item 1 P/N 12400 Pump housing OEM 438543 $19.95
12815 Pump cup
Item 2 P/N 12815 Pump cup OEM 340619 $15.95
89710 Water pump impeller
89940 Water pump impeller
Item 3 P/N 89940 Impeller 1975 to 1978 OEM 382547 $23.95
89595 water pump key
Item 4 P/N 89595 key years 1975 1978 OEM 308928 $10.99
89591 Key white
Item 4 P/N 89591 keys, white, five units. years 1979 to 2006 OEM 331901 $9.95
89592 Key
Item 4 P/N 89592 keys, black, five units. Years 1979 to 2006 OEM 334897 $9.95
34330 Water pump gasket
Item 5A P/N 34330 Gasket 1975-1978 OEM 319586 $4.95
86570 Plate seal
Item 5B P/N 86570 Water pump seal years 1979 to 2006 OEM 324981 $5.95
12551 Wear plate
Item 6 P/N 12551 Wear plate OEM 341038 $6.95
Item 8 P/N 86490 Grommet OEM 314008 $4.95
12950 Tube guide
Item 9 P/N 12950 Tube guide OEM 319276 $4.95
22320 Screws
Item 10 P/N 22320 screws, stainless steel, five units OEM 908158 $15.95
86491 Grommet
Item 11 P/N 86491 Grommet OEM 341732 $4.95
22360 Screw
Item 12 P/N 22360 Screw OEM 302325 $4.95
Item 13 P/N 86013 Oil seal OEM 342786 $5.95
22327 Stainless steel bolt
Item 14 P/N 22327 Stainless steel bolt OEM 909386 $4.95
Item 16 P/N 21643 Thrust washer OEM 317230 $5.95
11430 Roller bearing
22671 Pinion forward gear
Item 18A P/N 22671 Gear set OEM 397338 $244.99
22670 Johnson outboard gear set
22672 Reverse gear
Item 19 P/N 22672 Reverse gear OEM 318304 $263.95
22673 Clutch dog