Johnson/Evinrude outboard parts drawings *How to videos
Johnson connecting rod / wrist pin bearings
Connecting rod and wrist pin bearings20 hp to V4,V6 and V8
20 to 90 hp.V4, V6 and V8 powerheadsPiston/crankshaft connecting rodBearings for small piston end and larger crankshaft end
Connecting rod bearings small end 378251 $36.99
P/N 16220 Connecting rod bearing small end OEM 395627 $17.95
V4-V6-V8 90 degree loopchargemodels years 1985 and up
Metal cage OEM 396041 with 1.375 inch Journal size
V4 crossflow years 1979 toV6 crossflow years 1976 toV4-V6 60 degree models (all)
P/N 22840 Connecting rod bearing large end OEM 395401 $22.95
P/N 16200 Connecting rod bearing small end OEM 437088 $33.95
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