Johnson/Evinrude outboard parts drawings *How to videos

T.C. Electroninics/Marine (Please click here for home page)

Johnson outboard motor powerhead rebuild kit 100 hp.

V4 Johnson/Evinrude Crossflow 90 degree powerhead 2 stroke outboard years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994 for 100 hp motors 3.5 inch standard bore pistons and over size .020, .030 and .040

24030 Johnson Outboard Pistons
24030 Johnson Outboard Pistons
3.500 inch crossflow 90 degree V4 pistons GLM P/N 24010 (4 units) OEM 5006658
3.500 inch rings $91.95

39080 Powerhead gasket set
39080 Powerhead gasket set

Powerhead gasket set GLM P/N 39080 OEM 5006658 $127.99

33540 Johnson Head gasket
33540 Johnson Head gasket

Head gaskets GLM P/N 33540 (2 units) OEM 318358 $15.95

40540 carburetor kit johnson outboard parts
40540 carburetor kit johnson outboard parts

Carburetor service kit with out float GLM P/N 40570 OEM 439076 $15.95

22820 Johnson bearing for connecting rod
22820 Johnson bearing for connecting rod

Caged connecting rod bearing set (large end) GLM P/N 22820 OEM 387787 $54.95

16220 powerhead connecting rod bearing
16220 powerhead connecting rod bearing

Wrist pin bearing set (small end) GLM P/N 16220 OEM 395627 $17.95

22710 Johnson Outboard Split Sleeve
22710 Johnson Outboard Split Sleeve

Center split sleeve bearing GLM P/N 22710 OEM 320499