Johnson/Evinrude outboard parts drawings *How to videos

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Johnson outboard powerhead bearings

Power-head bearings center main split sleeve bearing

  • 45 to 300 hp. V4, V6 and V8 outboard motor powerhead bearings
  • Technical support line is available 6 pm to 9 pm eastern standard time. Phone number is (416) 751-7326
  • Power head split sleeve bearings and main bearings
  • Powerhead bearing chart click here

Split sleeve main bearing
Horsepower Year
22710 Johnson Outboard Split Sleeve
22710 Johnson Outboard Split Sleeve
#22710 $49.99

P/N 22710 Johnson outboard bearing
year / hp. OEM 320499

80 hp. Jet 1992 to 1997
85 hp. 1979 to 1980
85 hp. 1991 to 1995
88 hp. 1987 to 1996
90 hp. 1981 to 1997
90 hp. 1995 to 1997
90 hp. Jet 1994 to 1995
100 hp.1979 to 1980
100 hp.1990 to 1994
100 hp. Comm.1984 to 1997
110 hp. 1986 to 1989
112 hp. 1994 to 1996
115 hp. 1979 to 1985
115 hp. 1990 to 1997
115 hp. 1995 to 1997
115 hp. Jet 1994 to 1997
120 hp. 1985 to 1994
125 hp. Comm.1989 to 1995
125 hp. ESX 1991 to 1994
130 hp. 1994 to 1997
140 hp. 1979 to 1984
140 hp. 1985 to 1994
150 hp. 1978 to 1991
150 hp. 1991 to 1997 N/A
150 Comm.1993 to 1995 N/A
155 hp. Comm.1984 to 1992
175 hp. 1977 to 1991
175 hp. 1991 to 1997
185 hp. 1984 to 1985
185 hp. 1990 to 1094
200 hp. 1976 to 1983
200 hp. 1986 to 1997
200 hp. Comm.1990 to 1994
225 hp. 1986 to 1997
235 hp. 1978 to 1085
250 hp. 1991-1995, 1997
275 hp. 1985 to 1988
3.6 L 1985 to 1987
300 hp. 1988 to 1995

22700 Split sleeve
22700 Split sleeve

#22700 $41.89

P/N 22700 year / hp. OEM 310433

50 hp. 1995 to 1997
55 hp. 1968 to 1969
55 hp. Commercial 1982 to 1997 N/A
60 hp. 1964-1997 1970-1971 N/A
60 hp. 1980 to 1985 N/A
60 hp. 1986 to 1997
SST- 69 1989 to 1990
65 hp. 1968
65 hp. 1972 to 1973
65 hp. Commercial 1984 to 1997
70 hp. 1974 to 1975
70 hp. 1976 to 1997
75 hp. 1960 to 1965
75 hp. 1975 to 1988
80 hp. 1966 to 1967
85 hp. 1968 to 1978
100 hp. 1966 to 1968
100 hp. 1971 to 1972
115 hp. 1969 to 1970
115 hp. 1973 to 1978
125 hp. 1971 to 1972
135 hp. 1973 hp. 1974 to 1976
140 hp. 1977 to 1978

22800 Split bearing
22800 Split bearing

# 22800 main bearing OEM 378252 $14.95

65 hp. year 1968
65 hp. years 1972 to 1973
65 hp. Commercial year 1984
65 hp. Commercial year 1985 to 1990
65 hp. Commercial year 1991 to 1993
65 hp. Commercial year 1994 to 1997
70 hp. year 1974 to 1975
70 hp. year 1976 to 1984
70 hp. year 1985 to 1990
70 hp. year 1991 to 1993
70 hp. year1994 to 1997
75 hp. year 1960 to 1965
75 hp. year 1975
75 hp. years 1976 to 1984
75 hp. years 1985 to 1988
80 hp. years 1966 to 1967
85 hp. years 1968 to 1972
85 hp. year 1973
85 hp. years 1974 to 1978
100 hp. years 1966 to 1968
100 hp. years 1971 to 1972
115 hp. years 1969 to 1970
115 hp. year 1973
115 hp. years 1974 to 1978
125 hp. years 1971 to 1972
135 hp. years 1973
135 hp. years 1974 to 1976
140 hp. years 1977 to 1978

22810 Johnson powerhead split bearing
22810 Johnson powerhead split bearing

# 22810 main bearing OEM 387041 $55.95

80 hp. Jet years 1992 to 1997
85 hp. years 1979 to 1980
85 hp. years 1991 to 1995
88 hp. years 1987 to 1996
90 hp. years 1981 to 1997
90 hp. Jet years 1994 to 1995
100 hp. years 1979 to 1980
100 hp. years 1990 to 1994
100 hp. Commercial years 1984 to 1997
110 hp. years 1986 to 1989
112 hp. years 1994 to 1996
115 hp. years 1979 to 1985
115 hp. years 1990 to 1997
115 hp. Jet 1994 to 1997
120 hp. years 1985 to 1994
125 hp. Commercial years 1989 to 1995
125 hp. ESX years 1991 to 1994
130 hp. years 1994 to 1997
140 hp. years 1979 to 1984
140 hp. years 1985 to 1994
150 hp .years 1978 to 1991
150 hp. years 1991 to 1997
150 hp. Commercial years 1993 to 1995
155 hp. Commercial years 1984 to 1992
175 hp. years 1977 to 1991
175 hp. years 1991 to 1997
185 hp. years;1984 to 1985
185 hp. years 1990 to 1994
200 hp. years 1976 to 1983
200 hp. years 1986 to 1997
200 hp. Commercial years 1990 to 1994
225 hp. years 1986 to 1997
235 hp. years 1978 to 1985
250 hp. years 1991 to 1995
275 hp. years 1985 to 1988
3.6 Liter years 1985 to 1987
300 hp. years 1988 to 1995

21860 Evinrude main bearing 3 cylinder
21860 Evinrude main bearing 3 cylinder

# 21860 Johnson outboard powerhead main bearing OEM 377139 $18.95

3 Cylinder lower crankshaft years 1968 to 1994 OEM 377139

P/N 22930 main bearing OEM 398529 $69.95

2 and 3 Cylinder lower crankshaft

40 hp. years 1987 to 1997
40 hp. commercial years 1989 to 1990
40 hp. commercial years 1995 to 2000
45 hp. years 1995 to 1997
48 hp. years 1988 to 1996
50 hp. years 1987 to 2000
50 hp. commercial years 1987 to 1994
55 hp. commercial years 1987 to 1994
60 hp. years 1991 to 2001 hp commercial years 1991 to 2001
70 hp. years 1991 to 2001

P/N 22920 main bearing OEM 390900 $74.95

2 and 3 Cylinder lower crankshaft

40 hp. years 1984 to 1986
40 hp. commercial years 1984 to 1985
40 hp. commercial years 1995 to 2000
45 hp. commercial years 1987 to 1994
45 hp. SS years 1987 to 1990
48 hp. years 1987
50 hp. years 1979 to 1983
50 hp. years 1984 to 986
55 hp. years 1976 to 1981
55 hp. commercial years 1982 to 1986
60 hp. years 1980 to 1990
SST-69 years 1989 to 1990
65 hp. years 1972 to 1973
65 hp. commercial year 1984 to 1990
70 years 1976 to 1990
75 hp years 1975 to 1988

P/N 22840 main bearing OEM 395401 $22.95

8125 Journal size with metal cage

9.9 hp. years 1974 to 1983
10 hp. year 1981
14 hp. years 1981
15 hp. years 1974 to 1983