- Outdrive years 1968 to 1972
- There is no OEM number for just intermediate shaft only. Press on ball gear
was sold with shafts only from OMC for year listed above
- Intermediate ball gear and shaft require
- Exploded View upper case ball gear drawings
OMC intermediate housing press on ball gear
Press on removal process required if changing drive shaft with worn spline
on shaft
Clamp drive shaft with broken or worn spline in vice
Drill hole in plug and pry out
Drill 5/16 hole in plug. Note no big deal if you drive a small amount into drive shaft.
You can reuse
Pull plug out with seal puller or screw driver
Plug out view of intermediate housing shaft
Save plug and reuse with marine epoxy
Press on
Save plug and reuse with marine epoxy
Press on shaft omc 0979972
Press on shaft OMC OEM number is 0979972 for this 1972 shaft. There are at least 8 different shaft sizes for 1971 to 1973
try to locate OEM number in middle of the shaft.
Clamp bearing remover on old unit
Press on removal will require bearing carrier puller to be placed in front of bearing retainer before removing shaft.
press out old shaft
Unit needs to be supported well in press as it can take up 1,700 lbs to remove drive shaft spline from ball gear.
press out old shaft picture
It is common for the tool to break as I try to remove old shaft with a worn or twisted spline.
Note older red loctite that was use as retainer compound 40 plus years ago.
This shaft has only one tapper bearing located on it.
1972 with tapper bearing
This 1972 shaft has two back to back tapper bearings located on it with two outside races. Requires shimming and 4 to 8 inch
pounds of preload.
Different drive shaft lengths
Tapper bearing and race on shaft
979738 shaft
Bearing retainer seal come out only one way that is pushing down
Seals can only be pressed on of retainer one way . Look at retainer close to see larger side for seal to exit, i say this
as retainer not easy to replace as its 40 plus years old now. If the replacement seal area has play don't worry about it use
680 Loctite on seal and retainer 24 ahead of time to take up the gap. Note some retainers have ridge in center of seal area.
Press on ball gear and retainer
This is not, a press on ball gear unit has tapper area and bolts on the threaded drive shaft. Unit fits 1972 to 1985
outdrive upper case.
OMC upper gearcase press on gear
Press on ball gears should have 609 or 680 loctite placed on spline area before installing shaft. Years 1969 to 1971. *Please
note some 1972 boats may have the year previous drive train installed in it.
This is a used unit for sale with shaft $250.00
Used press on ball gear with some wear please see lower picture. Sold with out shaft $100.00 Note upper picture
is the same ball gear but we sold shaft.
86370 Oil seal 1964-1971