Click image below for replacement item
Video how to separate upper-lower OMC Cobra
400 - 800 - OMC sterndrive parts
800-400 OMC parts drawing upper gearcase
Shipping my upper sterndrive for repair
800 Rebuild cost
400 lower unit drawing
Do you have high or low profile upper gearcase.
Outboard Marine corporation used shift cable 982563 1982-1985
Intermediate ball gear shaft repair parts
Intermediate housing parts drawing
Used OMC parts
Used gear sets
Boat service tools
Cotter pin nut keeper
Video Help
Outboard Marine corporation electric shift lower unit parts
Electric Shift
Electric shift swival housing repair parts
Electric shift lower unit parts 1970-1977
OMC Cobra sterndrive parts
Transom Service
Exhaust Manifolds 400-800 & Cobra
Cobra and King Cobra upper gear case
Shift Cables
OMC Cobra counter rotating lower unit
OMC King Cobra Bellows

Oil filling pump
Propeller Shafts
Cobra lower unit
U Joints
Nuts, screws and bolts
Sea Drive
Volvo Penta SX
OMC Cobra transom parts 1986 to 1993
Engine Rebuild Set
OMC King Cobra used components
Aluminum Tig Welding
Zephyr Saildrive boat parts
Mercruiser / Alpha 1
Mercruiser MC-1 / R parts drawing
Mercruiser Alpha One lower unit parts
Bravo 1-2 lower unit
Mercruiser Alpha 1 Generation 2
Mercruiser Alpha 1 Gen. 2 upper gearcase parts drawing
Mercruiser Alpha One Gen 2 lower unit
Alpha 1 bell housing parts
Johnson / Evinrude, Yamaha, Mercury outboard motors
Johnson / Evinrude Outboard parts

Mercury parts drawing 6, 8, 9.9, 10 and 15 hp
Mercury outboard motor manuals
Johnson/Evinrude outboard motor manuals
Alpha One and gen 2 manuals
Re-manufactured stern drives 800 series 1972-1985 assembly (lower unit)
1986 to 1993 lower unit
Rebuild Costs and Price Quotes 800 series lower and upper gear-case repairs.
Electric shift sterndrive lower units years 1967 to 1977
Cobra lower and upper gear-cases Sending in your unit for repair? Please go here for packing and shipping information.
Repair Manuals Johnson / Evinrude manual
Mercruiser manual
What is new Outboard / OMC outdrive repair help
Mercury warehouse
Alpha One warehouse
Aluminum tig welding We have V310 T technologically advanced AC/DC Miller dynasty series 700
tig welding machine that is used to weld aluminum outdrive on boats. The flat rates to tig welding aluminum boat lower
units is $90.00.
Trish can do 400 / 800 / Cobra upper gearcase tig welding do to frozen water or we have new units
for years 1977 to 1993. Outdrives with broken skeg or lower unit aluminum top fin in most cases the sterndrive can be
left together. With our new high frequency arc, square wave, fast freezing puddle and deep penetration there is a lower
amount of heat generated.
Tech support drawings illustrations
T.C. Electronics/Marine Parts Warehouse
GLM aftermarket stern drive assemblies including
upper and lower gear cases. GLM Marine gears with supporting drawings.
Complete provider for stern drive gear-cases.
48 hour rebuilding on Cobra upper-lower units. In-house aluminum welding. 800 Stringer series components in stock at
our Canadian and USA locations.
Shipping locations - Monrovia CA. 91016 USA
- Toronto
Ontario M1R-5G2 Canada
Shipping costs and delivery times via FedEx Express
GLM catalogs - Need a Mercruiser part or fix stern-drives down load GLM marine on-line.
- Outboard
motor or inboard stern-drive boats including Volvo Penta outdrives, Alpha One generation 2 and Mercruiser outdrives.
- New
updated Force, Mariner-Mercury marine and Evinrude/Johnson outboard motor. New GLM marine catalog this year including new
Yamaha parts.
Special items we stock - New and used parts years 1978 to 1995 Upper-lower gear-cases and
gears to go in them.
- Older type boats with electric stern-drive components years 1964 to 1977 for more help
or parts see that are located in Canada.
- T.C. Electronics/Marine runs listings in newspapers for boats wanted dead or alive to
maintain a supply of electric shift out-drives for our boat owners.
- We have a machine shop for special adapter bushings
required for older electric shift Stringers boats.
- Johnson / Evinrude outboard manuals, used outboard motors, OMC
repair manuals and SEI new lower units
- Trailer accessories and lights
Listed on US eBay - Items we have auctioned are as follows: Ball gear complete with o rings,
seals, two nuts and the plug.
- Distributor and ignition points, condenser and ignition coils. Engine rebuilt kit with
engine power head gasket and seals.
- Carburetor rebuild kit with fuel filter and water pump impellers. Gear-case seal
kit with o rings and seals.
- U joint, exhaust and shift bellows with cable. Manifolds and elbows come with gaskets
in the kit.